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30-Minutes-Walk A Day Keeps Many Health Problems Away

Pathkind Team 1982 Views
Published: 01 Sep 2021
Updated: 13 Oct 2023
walk a day keeps many health problems away

Did you know that 30 minutes of walking is all it takes to have good health and feel fit? Yes, you heard it right. The 30-minute walk is the magic potion that can keep fit as a fiddle. What is so wonderful about this regimen? Why are health experts unanimous in their view about the benefits of walking? Let us check out why a 30-minute walk features on the top of the least for most doctors.

  • Improvement in mood
  • Aids in relieving stress, anxiety and depression
  • Reduction in the risk of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Prevention of heart disease
  • Improves the functioning of the digestive system 
  • Assists in weight loss
  • Improves brain power
  • Gets your creative juices flowing
  • Improves the lung volume
  • Reduces the risk of chronic ailments
  • Can increase your lifespan
  • Helps to reduce joint pain
  • Postpone the onset of varicose veins
  • Improve your sleep pattern
  • Rejuvenate your immune system

Improvement in mood

We all yearn for something that lifts our spirits and leaves us rejuvenated when we are having a rough day. It could be a block of chocolate or some other comfort food or a movie. Another alternative that adds zero calories while giving you an instant lift is a 30-minute walk. Just try strolling through some greenery and experience your mood instantly feeling better. If you can find a walking partner, that makes the experience even better. Within no time you end up feeling lighter and happier.

Aids in relieving stress, anxiety and depression

Walking is a great stress buster. When you are anxious or depressed, your immune system weakens. Walking in the sunlight can give you an instant immunity boost. It is a recommended exercise when you feel low or weighed down by worries. All you need is 30 minutes of walking to keep your stress at bay.

Improves brain power

Studies clearly show the benefits of walking on the decision-making areas of the brain. Kids who follow a 30-minute walking regimen are more likely to perform better on academic tests. The increased blood flow to the brain during walking seems to be responsible for this. Walking reduces the likelihood of dementia and Alzheimer’s. It also strengthens and stimulates the visual cortex and improves eyesight. Can you believe that studies are drawing a correlation between walking and reduced chances of blood cancer?

Prevention of heart disease

If you don’t believe that walking is as effective as running, check out what the American Health Association has to say. Thirty minutes of walk on a daily basis can help to reduce the risk of coronary heart ailments by decreasing blood pressure and cholesterol. Walking stimulates the circulation of blood and is extremely effective in preventing diabetes. Studies show that those who walk for 30 minutes a day have a 30% lower risk of having a heart attack or stroke compared to those who do not walk regularly.

Improves the functioning of the digestive system

Don’t assume it is your morning brew that is doing the trick for you. It may weel be your morning walk that is keeping your digestive system ticking like clockwork. A daily walk routine can do wonders for your bowel movement. 30 minutes of daily walk is all it takes to improve digestion and assist in bowel movements. Walking exercises the abdominal muscles and encourages movement in the gastrointestinal tract. Say hello to your walk routine and say goodbye to morning blues.

Assists in weight loss

A 30-minute daily walk routine is the simplest way to burn calories and lose weight. Walking 10,000 steps a day is as good as a workout in the gym. It helps you to keep your muscles toned and strengthens bones and joints. Walking can even help those suffering from arthritis as it helps joint movement and reduces inflammation. Regular walking can help in reducing belly fat  Daily walk improves metabolism by burning calories and preventing muscle loss. This is perhaps the best low-intensity exercise that can help keep your weight under control.

Gets your creative juices flowing

Have you noticed how you feel clear-headed after a walk. Your mind seems uncluttered and teeming with new ideas. Studies show that walking actually sets your light bulbs alight. It sparks your cognitive skills and gets the creative juices flowing. When you are stuck with a problem, it may do you a world of good to go for a walk. Your brain will actually remove the clutter, think through your situation and help you come up with creative solutions to your problems.

Improves the lung volume

Walking increases the flow of oxygen in your body. It removes toxins and waste through sweat. It helps to get fresh air into your lungs and it can do you a world of good.

Can increase your lifespan

Did you know that walking is the easiest way to increase your lifespan. Walking can actually make you live longer. Some studies show that a 30-minute daily walk can reduce your risk of death by at least 18% compared to those who live a sedentary lifestyle. A brisk walk is a great cardiorespiratory workout. The best part is that anyone can try it and make it a part of their daily routine. 

Helps to reduce joint pain

Did you that debilitating joint pain can actually decrease if you start walking. Walking improves the blood circulation to the tense areas and this can help to strengthen the muscles around the joints.

Postpone the onset of varicose veins

Varicose veins can be extremely painful and there are no remedies for that condition. The risk of developing varicose veins increases with age and research has confirmed that walking can prevent varicose veins from developing. Walking makes the secondary circulation stronger and improves the flow of blood to the calf muscles which boosts healthy circulation. Even people who are already suffering from varicose veins can try walking to alleviate the swelling in the legs.

Improve your sleep pattern

Setting up a daily walk routine can help you to improve your sleep pattern as well. People who struggle to fall asleep should try walking after dinner. It relaxes the mind and body and helps to fall asleep faster. As already mentioned, walking helps to decrease stress and anxiety. Often, these are the reasons for sleeplessness. So, once they are reduced, the quality of sleep automatically improves.

Rejuvenate your immune system

A healthy immune system automatically improves your health and reduces your chances of falling ill. Walking increases the number of immune cells in the body and improves the defence mechanism against infectious diseases. As the old adage goes, prevention is indeed better than cure. People who walk 30 minutes a day fall sick less often and even if they do, they recover faster than those who don’t.

As you can clearly see, walking seems to be the panacea for most of our health problems. A sedentary lifestyle is the cause of most illnesses and walking is the simplest way to introduce exercise to your life. Once you get used to walking, there is no looking back. It becomes second nature to you just like breathing and eating. Sparing 30 minutes a day for a good, healthy life is not a bad bargain after all. Stay fit. Stay healthy. Put those walking shoes on and walk your way to a healthy life. You will never regret it!

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