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6 Most Common Mosquito-Borne Disease

Dr. Rahul Verma 695 Views
Updated: 26 Jun 2024
Published: 26 Jun 2024

Mosquito borne diseases, in simple words, are diseases that are caused by mosquitos. These insects not only ruin an outdoor gathering or create red welts on the skin after having a blood feast, but they also transmit harmful diseases. When a mosquito feeds on blood, the viruses and parasites present in the blood are also swallowed by the mosquito along with the blood. These viruses and parasites are likely to pass through the mosquito’s saliva to an individual when it bites them, causing severe illness.

In this blog, we will explore the most severe illness caused by mosquitoes. We will further learn about the symptoms of these diseases.

What are the Most Dangerous Mosquito-Borne Diseases?

In this blog, we will explore the most severe illness caused by mosquitoes. We will further learn about the symptoms of these diseases.

  1. Dengue Fever :
    Among different mosquito diseases dengue is an infamous name. As per the statistical report, up to 400 million people, every year suffer from dengue. It is one of the most common mosquito borne diseases caused by the dengue virus. When a dengue virus-infected Aedes mosquito bites a person, he/she gets dengue fever. Dengue fever is not transmitted directly from one person to another.
    Fever, aches, nausea and rashes are the common symptoms of dengue fever that may continue for a week. Some people with dengue have complications that can lead to shock, internal bleeding or even death. If the case turns severe, the patient suffering from dengue fever must be hospitalised.

  2. Zika :
    Often known as Zika virus disease, Zika fever is one of the most common mosquito borne diseases. Though it may show similarities to dengue fever, Zika fever doesn’t have many symptoms. However, maculopapular rashes, red eyes, fever, headache and joint discomfort are some common symptoms that may be seen in patients suffering from Zika fever. Pregnant women infected with the Zika virus are likely to have babies with significant health issues like microcephaly, which can cause lifelong disability.

  3. Yellow Fever :
    It is one of the most viral mosquito borne diseases, and it generally lasts for a short period. The infected Aedes aegypti mosquitoes cause yellow fever, which is an acute viral hemorrhagic illness. The most common symptoms of yellow fever are muscular pains (especially back pains), chills, nausea, headaches and loss of appetite. Though the symptoms of this illness recover within 5 days, between 100,000-150,000 people die every year due to yellow fever. Sometimes, people also experience jaundice during this period, hence the name ‘yellow’ fever.

  4. Chikungunya :
    Chikungunya is also among the frequently diagnosed mosquito borne diseases. The virus, chikungunya (CHIKV), spreads this illness through mosquito bites. Mosquitos, specifically Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti, spread chikungunya. When a chikungunya-infected mosquito bites a person, it causes this disease. Causes of chikungunya include blood transmission from the mosquito to a person via its saliva. Chikungunya has some similar clinical indications with dengue fever and Zika fever, which might lead to a misdiagnosis in places where both infections are common. The common chikungunya virus symptoms include muscle pain, headache, fever, joint pain, rashes, and joint swelling.

  5. Malaria :
    A single-celled parasite of the genus Plasmodium causes one of the most severe mosquito borne diseases, malaria. Commonly through mosquito bites, these parasites are transmitted to human bodies. People have major chills and high fever due to this disease. In temperate climates, this illness is fairly uncommon. However, in tropical and subtropical countries, each year, almost 241 million people suffer from this illness. The common symptoms of malaria are headache, nausea, diarrhoea, fever, chills, fatigue and more.

  6. West Nile Virus :
    West Nile is a virus that spreads through mosquito bites. Since it first broke out in the district of Uganda, it is known as the West Nile virus disease. It is among the mosquito borne diseases that spread in many parts of the world. This virus spreads mostly in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Australia, North America and Europe. People who get infected with this virus usually don’t have many symptoms. However, 1 out of 5 individuals have body aches, fever, and flu-like symptoms.

Key Takeaway

Mosquitos are obnoxious creatures that feed on human blood and often transmit diseases like dengue fever, yellow fever, Zika, chikungunya, malaria and West Nile virus. Though most of their common symptoms are fever, chills, body aches, headaches and nausea, some of these mosquito borne diseases can also be fatal for many people. One should not ignore recurring fever as the chances of such diseases are high across the globe. Consult a doctor and get diagnosed for speedy recovery.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. What are diseases caused by mosquitos?

    Answer:- The illness caused by mosquitoes are dengue fever, Zika, malaria, yellow fever, chikungunya, malaria, West Nile virus and more.

  2. When does dengue fever show symptoms in people?

    Answer:- Mosquito diseases dengue show symptoms in people in a span of three to fourteen days..

  3. What are the causes of chikungunya?

    Answer:- Chikungunya-infected mosquitoes biting a person is the prime cause of chikungunya.

  4. What are the symptoms of chikungunya?

    Answer:- Chikungunya virus symptoms include joint pain, rashes, muscle pain and joint swelling.

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