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Drinking 3 Liters of Water But Still Exhausted? Here’s Why Timing Is Everything!

Dr. Rahul Verma 157 Views
Published: 27 Jan 2025
Updated: 27 Jan 2025
drinking water but tired

Experts and physicians recommend us to drink about 3 liters of water every day. But is it only the amount that we should focus on? The timing of the day plays a crucial factor in determining whether the consumed fluid helps you to feel energetic or not. 

Wondering whether the time of the day makes a difference? Here are some fascinating facts that will make you see the water drinking schedule differently. 

Benefits of Drinking Water: Create a Water Drinking Schedule 

Water is an essential component of our body as it aids in better metabolism, digestion, and hydration of the skin. Here are some major roles that water plays in our body. 

  • Thermoregulation- Due to the high heat-absorbing capacity of water, it aids in thermoregulation in the body by maintaining temperature balance with the external environment. 
  • Nutrient transporter- Water creates a major impact on blood circulation, being the indispensable fluid in our body carrying nutrients to and fro.
  • Absorbs shock- Water also aids in shock absorbency, consequently maintaining the shape of the cellular components and preventing major damage. 
  • Body lubrication- Joints are lubricated in the presence of water in the body. It forms a part of the lubricating fluids like the gastric, saliva, and intestinal juices. 

Best Time Of Drinking Water: The Clock Matters 

Several bodily functions are dependent on the adequate presence of water. However, the amount of water consumption cannot be the only factor driving the smooth functioning of the body. Let us break down your water drinking schedule! 

When you wake up 

If you are wondering what is the best time to drink water in a day then begin with your mornings. During the night's sleep, your body has gone through prolonged fasting, and your stomach is empty. 

To give a quick start to your digestive system, here's how to drink water in a day. Squeeze a few drops of lemon and sip on your drink right before you wake up. This gives a boost of phytonutrients, antioxidants, potassium, and Vitamin C in your body. 

Whenever you are feeling hungry before a meal

Another best time of drinking water is whenever you are feeling hungry or starved before a meal. You might feel a sudden hunger pang during odd hours of the day or even before it's time for your meal. That's probably because you are thirsty. The brain recognizes the hunger and thirst symptoms as one, so you are, in fact, thirsty instead of hungry in the first place. 

Before, during, and after working out 

Set up a proper water drinking schedule before, during, and after working out sessions. This is because you are likely to lose a major part of body fluid through sweat, and it must be replaced by water and mineral-containing energy drinks so you don't feel exhausted and dizzy. 

During lazy midday 

Often during the afternoon or right after a carb-filled meal, as our energy is driven towards the digestive system to break down the meal, it's likely to feel tired and sleepy. If you are sitting in your cubicle and cannot afford a nap then here is a quick fix for you. Drink some water to cover it up. 

There is no need for coffee, a beverage we usually use to do away with the slumber. Rather you should pick up your bottle and consume sufficient water. In fact, the hydration state of your body can govern your mood swings, perception, and even memory. So next time you feel moody, blame it on your low hydration throughout the day. 


Apart from 3 liters of water, a proper water drinking schedule and a balanced diet are essential factors for proper body functionality. Follow the steps discussed in the blog and live a healthy life.

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