Balding can occur at any age due to different lifestyle habits, stress, genetics and consumption of unhealthy diet. However, several first signs of hair thinning can help you avert the risk of complete balding. Understanding the underlying cause and addressing it during the initial stages can help you deal with early receding hairline. Hair loss is also commonly known as alopecia which is common in adults however, it is very common in any age group these days. Some individuals even observe receding hairline early during their 20s while some might face hair loss in their 60s.
While some forms of hair loss are temporary and can be taken care of with medication, receding hairlines in some can be permanent. Here are some of the first signs of hair thinning and causes that can help you comprehend the reasons and address them through medications and treatments.
Understanding Hair Loss: Causes and Early Signs
The first signs of hair thinning may vary depending on the cause. Here are some common causes of hair loss and early signs of balding to look out for.
1. Hereditary Hair Loss
Due to androgenic alopecia, hair loss in both males and females is observed quite often. Genetics and family history are causes of early receding hairline which runs in the family and cannot be averted.
If you observe hair thinning around the temple, it might be an early receding hairline symptom. Shallow hair depth around the temple region, near the crown and the back of your head, are observed in different age groups and can indicate baldness coming up soon.
2. Hormonal Changes and variation
Hormonal changes and imbalances due to different growth hormone production and PCOS can lead to hair loss. As the hair around the head begins to thin out and the hairline begins to revert away from the temple and the back of the head in a circular fashion, it is regarded as a receding hairline.
In some individuals, this is observed as early as in their 20s. The hairline will begin to acquire an M-shape on the sides of the head. This way, the hairline recedes faster in the middle followed by the edges due to hormonal imbalance in the body.
3. Lack Of Proper Nutrition
Lack of sufficient vitamins and iron in the diet can be a leading cause of hair loss or poor hair health. One of the first signs of hair thinning includes thinning that begins at the top of the head. In this kind of hair loss, you will observe the receding hairline, but a shallow depth in the centre of the head. The depth of your hair will be on the edges rather than in the centre.
In this kind of hair loss, the process of hair thinning is gradual and happens due to the absence of essential nutrients. Hence it can take some time for one to acquire the state of baldness and the pattern is both slow as well as unobservable.
4. Thyroid Conditions
Irregularity in the functioning of the thyroid gland can also lead to hair fall in an individual. In this case, hair falls from parts of your hairline. In this state, some part of the hair is lost in patches. This patch gradually widens and spreads over the rest of the head.
5. Medication
Sometimes stopping or starting with a new dosage of medicines can lead to sudden hair loss. Often consuming birth control pills antidepressants dosage, and NSAIDs, one faces hair loss and receding hairline.
One of the common first signs of hair thinning includes hair loss in patches and clumps. There are times when you will observe a sudden change in your hairline pattern. You might face hair falling in patches rather than slowly. This will create clumps in your head and complete the area of baldness. For best results, we'd recommend you to see a physician and seek medication to slow down the process.
6. Stress
Behaviour change, mood swings and severe stress are leading causes of hair loss in young adults. The fast-paced life and hectic schedule with unending deadlines can make one feel stressed and emotionally vulnerable. This leads to hair thinning and gradual hair loss.
As the first signs of hair thinning and baldness, some might observe hair loss from different parts of the body as well. Hence hair loss is not a factor which is restricted to the head but to different parts of the body as well. Often after shaving, you will observe that hair is not growing again or the growth is very slow. Hair loss from legs, hands, and other parts due to ageing is a common symptom.
7. Infection
Sometimes fungal infection on the scalp region or even severe diseases like Syphilis may lead to hair loss. Scaly skin on the scalp fails to hold on to the hair roots making them weak. Hair fall due to skin infection is very common.
Balding is an unavoidable and natural process but early signs of hair thinning can also be indicators of underlying health conditions. Hair loss and balding are gradual and it might take some years before total hair loss. There are several treatments and therapies for slowing down the process or growing them back. Comprehending the early signs of hair thinning and its exact cause can save you from complete balding in the long run.