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Folic Acid Foods You Need to Try: Your Guide to 15 Healthy Options!

Dr. Rahul Verma 57 Views
Published: 27 Feb 2025
Updated: 27 Feb 2025
Folic Acid Foods

Folic acid, or vitamin B9, is essential for cell growth, metabolism, and overall health. While its importance is well-known during pregnancy for preventing neural tube defects in developing babies, folic acid is equally vital for everyone. It supports brain function, red blood cell formation, and even heart health. 

Including folic acid foods in your diet can help maintain proper folate levels and boost your well-being. In this article, we'll explore 15 healthy and delicious food that is high in folic acid.

What is Folic Acid? 

The synthetic form of folate, folic acid is naturally available in common food groups as vitamin B. It is vital for DNA synthesis and repair in our cells. The recommended daily intake for adults is 400 mcg. Only a pregnant women need 600 mcg daily for fetal development. 

Benefits of Folic Acid

The benefits of folic acid foods are as follows: 

  1. Boosts Mood: Some clinical trials have suggested that having enough folate could reduce the risks of depression. 
  2. Improves Heart Health: Folic acid foods reduce homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is thought to be bad for heart health. 
  3. Supports Cell Growth: Helps in the growth and maintenance of new cells.
  4. Prevents Birth Defects: Folic acid-rich food is Important for pregnant women to overcome the risk of neural tube defects.

Top 15 Folic Acid Foods

This is a list of 15 sources of folic acid that you should add to your diet:

Food Item

Folic Acid Content (mcg per serving)

Serving Size

1. Spinach

58.2 mcg

1 cup raw

2. Lentils

358 mcg

1 cup cooked

3. Papaya

53 mcg

1 cup raw

4. Asparagus

134 mcg

½ cup cooked

5. Broccoli

57 mcg

1 cup raw

6. Brussels Sprouts

47 mcg

½ cup cooked

7. Avocado

82 mcg

½ raw

8. Beets

148 mcg

1 cup raw

9. Bananas

23.6 mcg

1 medium

10. Orange

55 mcg

1 large

11. Walnuts

28 mcg

1 ounce

12. Eggs

22 mcg

1 large

13. Wheat germ

78.7 mcg

1 ounce

14. Brown Rice

19 mcg

1 cup cooked

15. Fortified Grains

102 mcg

1 cup cooked

Source: Healthline (except Brown Rice)

Detailed Overview of 15 Food Items

After learning the folic acid content, let’s take a closer look at the advantages of the food that is high in folic acid: 

  1. Spinach: Spinach is the powerhouse of micro-nutrients. It is one of the best choices for folic acid foods, as it is not hard to munch on salads, smoothies, or as a component of cooked dishes. 
  2. Lentils: They have abundant folate with protein and fibre content. You can add it to your diet through soups and salads.
  3. Papaya: Besides being rich in folic acid, it is an important ingredient for the growth and creation of red blood cells.
  4. Asparagus: For vegetarians, this green, tender stalk has a high amount of folic acid. It can grilled, steamed, or even included in stir-fries. 
  5. Broccoli: Broccoli is another green, leafy superfood providing folate with other essential vitamins and minerals, supporting growth and development.
  6. Brussels Sprouts: Brussels sprouts are like mini cabbages. It contains a lot of vitamins necessary for kick-starting your day. You can roast or sauté Brussels sprouts for a nice side dish. 
  7. Avocado: Avocados are deliciously creamy. They are the source of most healthy fats with the correct amount of folic acid. 
  8. Beets: Beets are rich in antioxidants. You can roast them or add them to your salads for earthy flavours.
  9. Bananas: Bananas are medium in providing folic acid towards a well-functioning nervous system and energy metabolism.
  10. Orange: Orange is a nice addition of vitamin C and folic acid. Squeeze out the oranges and add a refreshing drink to your meal. 
  11. Walnuts: Snacking on peanuts can be excellent for your body’s folic acid content. Add walnuts to various dishes and salads to power up your meal.
  12. Eggs: One of the most flexible foods in the kitchen is eggs. It provides essential nutrients along with folate. 
  13. Wheat germ: It is densely loaded with folic acid. Your body needs it for DNA synthesis and repair.
  14. Brown Rice: Other than folate, brown rice provides a healthy dose of fibre and other nutritional elements to a person's daily diet. 
  15. Fortified Grains: These are often enriched with folic acid to reduce neural tube defects and maintain general health.


Incorporate folic acid foods into your diet to stay healthy. This should be maintained especially during pregnancy or in phases of adolescence and adulthood. Make sure you are getting this important nutrient, by consuming a range of nutrient-dense foods like leafy greens, legumes (fortified cereals, fruits), and vegetables. A balanced diet rich in folic acid is a simple step toward better overall health and well-being.

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