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How Dandruff Causes Acne and What to Do to Avoid It?

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Published: 24 Apr 2023
Updated: 13 Oct 2023
How Dandruff Causes Acne and What to Do to Avoid It

Having acne can be embarrassing and uncomfortable. But did you know that dandruff could be a contributing cause? Many people don’t realize that dandruff and acne are linked, but the truth is that having an excessive amount of dandruff can easily lead to developing acne. In this article, we’ll look at how dandruff causes acne and what you do for such acne treatment.

Dandruff and acne are two common skin problems that many people struggle with. As previously discussed that the presence of one can actually lead to the other. Dandruff, in particular, is known to cause acne breakouts. Here’s how it works:

Sebum Secretion

Dandruff is one of the most common skin conditions and an indication that the skin is not getting enough moisture. When the skin becomes too dry, the sebaceous gland beneath the skin begins to overproduce sebum oil, which is the body's natural defense against dryness. This causes the skin to become oily, with excess sebum oil and dead skin cells that can clog the pores and lead to acne breakouts.

Seborrheic Dermatitis

Seborrheic dermatitis is a common skin condition often found on the scalp. It typically causes dry, flaky skin, along with itchy rashes on the scalp. It is sometimes referred to as cradle cap, seborrhea, or seborrheic eczema and can resemble eczema in some cases, but it is actually a different condition. While the scalp is the area most commonly affected by seborrheic dermatitis, it can also spread to other areas of the body, such as the face. Acne-causing bacteria can be spread through contact with the affected area, and this can cause acne to develop all over your face as well.

Ways to avoid acne caused by dandruff

Many have the weary do dandruff cause pimples. Acne and pimple due to dandruff have been a problem for people of all ages. The good news is that understanding how dandruff causes acne is half of the battle. To prevent it from happening again, first, it's important to differentiate it from hormonal acne. Then follow any of the tricks and tips below.

Using Anti-Dandruff Shampoo Regularly

Anti-dandruff shampoos are specifically formulated to target and treat dandruff and contain a range of ingredients, such as salicylic acid, zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide, and tar. These perfectly aid in acne treatment associated with dandruff.

  • Salicylic acid is keratolytic, meaning it works by influencing the protein structure of the skin. It helps to remove flake buildup and reduce irritation and inflammation in the skin.
  • Zinc pyrithione is an antifungal that can provide relief from fungal infection and is mild enough to control dandruff without damaging the hair.
  • Tar is another common ingredient that slows down skin cell production and reduces both inflammations, thus reducing skin irritation.
  • Selenium sulfide is a popular choice for those with colored hair, as it is effective in treating yeast infections that often cause dandruff.

Applying Aloe Vera Gel

benifits of Aloe vera

Doctors for Skin recommend aloe vera gel to avoid the occurrence of acne due to dandruff. It is a natural and effective way to treat dandruff-caused acne.

  • It can help reduce inflammation, soothe the skin, and reduce the severity of the condition.
  • It is a fine agent to reduce the itchiness of the scalp and soothes skin irritation.
  • With regular use, you should see an improvement in the appearance of your skin.
  • Remember to always use a mild cleanser before applying aloe vera and to rinse with lukewarm water afterward.

Scalp Massage with Hot Oil

A scalp massage with hot oils like coconut and tea tree oil is a great way to treat acne due to dandruff.

  • The hot oil helps to soothe the scalp and reduce inflammation, which can help to reduce acne.
  • It also helps to loosen the dry, flaky skin on the scalp, which can help to reduce the amount of dandruff present.
  • Hot oil massages can also help to reduce stress, which can cause acne in some individuals.
  • The massage also improves blood circulation in the scalp, which can help to promote healthy hair growth.
  • Plus, it can help to reduce the amount of sebum, or oil, on the scalp, which can help to reduce the amount of acne.

Applying Lemon Juice

Applying lemon juice to acne caused by dandruff can be a great natural remedy to help reduce redness, swelling, and inflammation.

  • Lemon juice is a powerful source of vitamin C which helps boost the immune system, as well as reduce the severity of acne.
  • The citric acid in lemon juice can also be useful in exfoliating the skin and removing dead skin cells, which can help reduce the appearance of acne.
  • Additionally, lemon juice can help regulate the production of sebum, which can reduce the occurrence of breakouts.

Dandruff can cause acne, but there are several ways to prevent it. Cleaning the scalp regularly with a mild anti-dandruff shampoo, using lemon juice applications, and hot oil massages can help reduce any accumulation of dead skin cells. Additionally, individuals may want to look into scalp treatments that specifically target dandruff and its associated issues. By following these steps, individuals can reduce their risk of developing acne caused by dandruff.

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