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How Low Your Blood Pressure Can Go in Hypotension? Take Precautions Now !!

Dr. Pankaj Mandale 1676 Views
Published: 04 May 2024
Updated: 04 May 2024

Hypotension, popularly called low blood pressure, is a harmful health condition that affects millions of people all over the world. The focus in discussions about cardiovascular health may often be high blood pressure; however, in fact, low blood pressure is no less important for well-being. So, while high BP takes centre stage for cholesterol levels, low BP can have just as significant overall implications for health. This article will discuss hypotension, its causes, effects, prevention tips and more!

What Is Hypotension?

Hypotension basically means low blood pressure. In hypotension, your organs don’t get enough oxygenated blood. In general, a systolic blood pressure reading lower than 90 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure below 60 mm Hg is considered low.

How Low Can Blood Pressure Go?

Blood pressure levels might differ significantly from individual to individual, and readings that lower blood pressure markedly below optimal levels for one might be within the normal range for another. Blood pressure might drop to life-threatening levels that impact organ performance in the most severe circumstances. In such circumstances, systolic pressure readings can drop below 70 mmHg, sometimes even lower. 

However, optimum blood pressure measurement is more than just a number. A person’s well-being and specific condition also influence the healthy range of values.

Causes of Hypotension

Hypotension can arise from multiple factors like:

  1. Dehydration: Involuntary or excessive fluid loss, namely after vomiting, diarrhoea, or George Johnson disease, can cause the body to dehydrate with a resulting low blood volume and decrease in blood pressure.
  2. Heart conditions: Heart conditions, including slowing the heart's speed hindrance from such symptoms as bradycardia (irregular heartbeat) and diseases of the heart muscle valve, may interfere with effective blood pumping, leading to hypotension.
  3. Endocrine Disorders: Hormones from conditions such as Addison's disease, thyroid disorder, or low adrenal secretion increase the risk of low blood pressure. Patients should communicate with their physicians about any history of fainting.
  4. Medications: Drugs that help eliminate water (diuretics), alpha-blockers, beta-blockers for hypertension, and certain prescription antidepressants may also lower blood pressure as a side effect.

Symptoms of Hypotension

The symptoms of hypotension are varied, and their severity differs. Common signs and symptoms are:

  1. Lack of Energy: That lethargic feeling of hypotension, which just makes everything seem much harder than it should, is caused by the low energy it provides our body. You may find you feel unusually tired after a night's sleep or that the extra effort required for some everyday tasks makes them very tiring indeed. In such cases, restorative powers are a rare commodity!
  2. Vision Problems: Low blood pressure can bring about changes in vision. One may witness blurred vision or even tunnel vision when their blood pressure drops too low. This symptom often disappears once the patient's blood pressure regains normal levels again.
  3. Nausea: Some people with hypotension may experience feelings of nausea, or even be sick, especially when they stand up or have been standing for some time.
  4. Breathing Rapidly and Superficially: In some cases, hypotension will be accompanied by abnormal breathing patterns such as rapid breathing or shallow breath inability. This might occur as the body tries to compensate for lowered oxygen supply.
  5. Inability to Focus: Reduced flow of blood to your brain can make it difficult for you to think clearly, and you might start having trouble focusing or remembering things.

Complications of Untreated Hypotension

With mild hypotension, it can be said that there is no significant harm, but if the condition becomes severe or continues too long, problems may arise, including:

  1. Shock: Lack of adequate blood flow to the brain and other vital organs has the potential for life-threatening shock states if not promptly counteracted.
  2. Organ Damage: Eventually, organs begin to deteriorate in hypotensive episodes, with kidney damage first, and then brain and heart damage because nutrients need fuel to function well.
  3. Falls: Since hypotension can cause dizzy spells or fainting fits, the risk of falling and injury increases. This is especially true among elderly patients.

Precautions and Management Strategies

Hypotension (or low blood pressure) is often not noticed, but it can lead to dizziness or fainting and even falls. The following are some precautions to be taken:

  1. Make Gradual Movements: Never jump out of bed suddenly. Changing positions rapidly, which is what this action involves, could lead to a sudden drop in blood pressure and resulting dizziness after you get up.
  2. Water: When the weather is hot or after you have been exercising, dehydration sets a person up for hypotension. Use lots of water in such cases all day long.
  3. Diet: Watch what you drink. Cut back on coffee, tea, and other caffeinated beverages as well as alcohol, which can cause an initial shock to the system. Stick with moderation in food types too, especially fruits, vegetables, and grains.
  4. Do not Stand in One Place for Too Long: Standing around too much makes blood pool in your legs, causing your blood pressure to drop when you get up. If your job calls for prolonged standing, take breaks and move around.
  5. Eat Regular Meals: Eat little meals often throughout the day. That keeps the level of sugar in the blood at a steady level, indirectly benefiting blood pressure. Never skip a meal - never, ever skip breakfast.


If uncontrolled, hypotension can have major consequences for your health and quality of life. Sometimes mild hypotension needs no low blood pressure treatment, but if hypotension is severe or sustained, complications can occur. By learning what causes hypotension, what happens when it occurs, and your risk, for example, of complications and general health issues, will all help avoid precipitous changes in blood pressure levels or unfavourable results. 

Getting low blood pressure treatment for hypotension symptoms early will help check any adverse developments, lower the need to visit emergencies, and give you peace of mind. So, book a blood test with Pathkind and take control of your health today!

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