The world is in awe of the blessings that India owes. Several healthcare practices have been developed recently, while most transitions from our ancient generations. One of them is Surya Namaskar. Recently, many people are becoming more aware of Surya Namaskar benefits.
Surya Namaskar is an excellent boon for harmonising your body movements with the beats of your breath. Most of you might be looking towards it as an exercise. And yes, it is! It builds your physical and mental strength. It is a comprehensive exercise which requires no equipment. Read the blog until the end to know the best time to do Surya Namaskar.
What is Surya Namaskar?
Surya Namaskar is a sequence of yoga exercises. It is a way of paying homage to the sun. This holistic practice is a versatile combination of 12 different yoga postures. Each one has its own set of Surya Namaskar benefits. It is a blend of physical, mental and spiritual practice for transforming your mornings and perhaps your entire life.
Are You Aware of the Surya Namaskar Benefits?
Here are the top Surya Namaskar benefits that make it a perfect addition to your routine:
1. Energising Your Body
While performing Surya Namaskar, you engage many of your muscles in sequence. Controlled breathing, in particular, suffices your body's oxygen requirements and increases your mind's alertness and overall energy levels. In this way, you enrich your body with positive vibes.
2. Improved Flexibility
One of the critical advantages of Surya Namaskar is improving your body's overall flexibility. Each yoga pose here targets specific muscle groups. This adds up to your overall flexibility. Gently stretching your muscles releases tension built up around them. Increased flexibility also benefits you in reducing your injury risk and sedentary lifestyle.
3. A Boost To Your Digestion
Surya Namaskar includes a combination of forward and backward bends. These massages stimulate your digestive system and organs and alleviate common digestive issues such as constipation and bloating. One key Surya Namaskar benefit is improving digestion to better absorb the nutrients from your diet.
4. Managing Your Weight
Surya Namaskar is a dynamic group of exercises that help you burn your calories efficiently. It helps promote weight loss by working on your metabolism. Additionally, it works to build your lean mass to help you manage a healthy weight.
5. Reduces Your Stress
The mindful breathing and synchronisation involved here help create a sense of mindfulness. Regularly practising helps you in managing your stress and anxiety. It also provides you with mental clarity.
Morning vs. Evening: What is the Ideal Time?
The early hours in the morning are considered perfect for performing your Surya Namaskar. In the early sunrise, sun rays are relatively mild and full of vitamin D. This helps your body rejuvenate faster. It also stimulates mental clarity.
Moreover, practising Surya Namaskar during the early hours of your day aligns you with the natural circadian rhythms. For this alignment, your mind needs to be fresh and practising Surya Namaskar with a fresh mind boosts its meditative aspects.
Practising it early in the morning on an empty stomach is a good move. After completing your 8 hours of night sleep, your body is in a fast state. Digesting your food requires a lot of energy. Practising yoga after having your breakfast can make you feel dull and sluggish.
The early morning air is cleaner and more relaxed, refreshing your lungs and helping you to regulate your controlled breathing effectively. This is essential for setting your pace for your Surya Namaskar routine, balancing your chakras and energies, and improving the flow of your vital energy (Prana).
Stimulating digestion, managing weight, and awakening your night muscles are some of the additional Surya Namaskar benefits derived from its morning practice.
You have many Surya Namaskar benefits if you do it in the early morning hours. While it can be done at any hour of the day, practising it in a cleaner atmosphere helps you deeply cleanse your inner self. Moreover, it enables you to acquire stability and mastery over your entire system.