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PCOS and Strength Training: Are Women Really Getting It Easier? Pathkind Labs Experts Weigh In

Dr Rishika Agarwal 2083 Views
Published: 17 Nov 2024
Updated: 17 Nov 2024
PCOS and Strength Training

Though there is no proven study that women suffering from PCOS have it easy in strength training, practising the correct steps of strength training can mitigate symptoms of PCOS.

What is PCOS?

PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome, is a hormonal disorder that occurs in women who are in the reproductive age group. This condition arises due to an imbalance in hormones. There are several symptoms of PCOS:

  • Irregular periods- Women with PCOS find it difficult to get pregnant due to irregularity in the menstrual cycle. Sometimes, they also miss their period.
  • Cysts- Though cysts are not found in every woman with PCOS, it is a common occurrence among them. 
  • Excess hair growth- Women with PCOS experience unwanted hair growth in different body parts like chest, face, stomach and thighs. 
  • Weight gain- Women with PCOS experience abnormal weight gain around the abdomen.
  • Acne and oily skin- PCOS affects the skin of the face and is the source of acne and pimples. 

How Strength Training for PCOS is the Right Solution

PCOS treatment includes strength training at regular intervals. This is a great way to combat PCOS, as it has multifaceted roles as discussed here. 

  • Reducing insulin resistance—Strength training can help maintain healthy blood sugar levels. It enhances muscle cell growth, which absorbs glucose. Many PCOS symptoms are caused by insulin resistance, like abnormal hormones, difficulty losing weight, and cravings.
  • Reducing androgen levels- Androgens are male hormones which facilitate facial hair growth, hair loss, belly fat and acne. Strength training can assist in reducing the level of these hormones. 
  • Maintaining a healthy metabolism- Maintaining a healthy body mass index is accelerated by strength training which in turn facilitates healthy metabolism. 
  • Reducing stress- PCOS treatment can be accelerated by generating feel-good hormones which are released with regular strength training. 

Tips for Women with PCOS Vouching for Strength Training

  • The optimal frequency for strength training for PCOS treatment is three to four times a week. 
  • The ideal intensity that women with PCOS must follow is high reparations with moderate intensity. 
  • Taking enough breaks for recovery between repetitions is necessary.
  • Women with PCOS can include complementary activities like yoga, breathing exercises, meditation and aerobic exercises like swimming, cycling and jogging in their daily exercise routines. 

Top Strength Training Exercises for Women with PCOS

Let us discuss the steps of some of the strength training exercises that you can practice in case you are suffering from PCOS. You need to learn and practice these exercises efficiently and regularly to see any difference. 

  • Reverse lunges- To begin, stand erect and engage your core. Then, with your left foot, take a comfortable stride backwards. You will have to lower your left knee till it is likewise bent at a right angle and bend your right knee to a 90° angle. After that, push yourself back up and go back to where you were. Ensure that your torso remains upright the entire time.
  • Wall presses- Place your feet a little distance from a wall while standing. With your arms and legs straight, bend forward and lay your hands on the surface of the wall at roughly chest height. Lower your chest in the direction of the wall while bending your elbows slowly. When your head and chest are almost touching the wall, stop and take a step back.
  • Crunches- Put yourself on your back. Your lower body should be stable while bending your legs. Then, put your hands behind your ears without straining your neck, or crossing them across to the opposing shoulders. Raise your head and shoulders off the floor. As you stand up, release your breath. Lower yourself back to where you began. Breathe in while you squat.


Strength training maintains a healthy metabolism by keeping the body mass index normal which in turn resists weight gain. Engaging in resistance exercises with moderate intensity and high repetitions can reduce stress which is essential for PCOS. Cardio also helps reduce blood sugar levels and insulin. Regularity in the menstrual cycle can be maintained by exercising for 30 minutes daily supported with a healthy diet. So, keep up your spirit, indulge in strength training and beat the battle of PCOS.

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