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Perimenopause Affects Women’s Health: Perimenopause Symptoms to Watch For

Published: 28 Feb 2025
Updated: 28 Feb 2025

Perimenopause refers to the transition phase when a woman's cycle of periods or menopause stops. Menopause occurs during the middle age and is marked by several physiological and psychological changes in the body. There are several emotional changes and physical manifestations that occur during this transitioning period. A perimenopause period can last 2 to 8 years in the life cycle of women. 

Common perimenopause symptoms include: 

  • The regular release of eggs. 
  • The production of estrogen drops rapidly. 
  • A woman becomes less fertile as eggs may not be released in cyclic patterns every month. 
  • The menstrual cycles do not follow the 28-day mark, and a woman might face irregular cycles. 

What Are The Leading Causes Of Perimenopause 

If you are wondering what leads to the perimenopause stage in the life cycle of women, allow us to break it down for you. The ovaries gradually begin to grow non-functional with the onset of perimenopause finally leading to menopause. Initially, the cycle of ovulation becomes erratic and then it finally stops. Generally, the length of one cycle is enhanced as periods show up infrequently after several months. Blood flow becomes quite irregular before the final period cycle.

All these symptoms are associated with changes in hormonal levels in the body. During this phase when the estrogen levels are high, it might seem like you are having PMS and when the levels of estrogen are low, you might experience cold sweats and hot flashes in the middle of the night. These abrupt hormonal changes are associated with mixed period cycles. 

Common Symptoms Of Perimenopause 

  1. Abrupt mood swings and change in behaviour
  2. Disrupted serial desires
  3. Trouble concentrating on one thing
  4. Difficulty in remembering something
  5. Night hot flashes
  6. Headaches
  7. Cold sweats
  8. Dryness in the vaginal region
  9. Aches in the muscles and joints 
  10. Heavy perspiration throughout the day
  11. Trouble falling asleep
  12. Having the urge to pee often
  13. Other PMS-like symptoms
  14. Soreness in the breast regions
  15. Recurring problems of UTIs, and other irritations in the vaginal tract
  16. Burning sensation in the mouth
  17. Sensitive taste buds
  18. Acne development
  19. Feeling sluggish and fatigued all the time
  20. Electric shock sensations
  21. Brittle nails
  22. Intense hair fall
  23. Unexpected weight gain
  24. Stress
  25. Allergies
  26. Dizziness
  27. Osteoporosis
  28. Tinnitus
  29. Irregular heartbeat
  30. Irritability
  31. Panic disorder
  32. Intense feelings of anxiety
  33. Stressful states
  34. Memory sluggishness

Sometimes, these symptoms may overlap and make it difficult for you to understand that you are experiencing perimenopause. Hence, if you experience any such unusual symptoms or signs for a long time, refer to a physician to get it checked. 

Experts can assess your situation based on age, history, and diagnosis through other physical symptoms. Often blood tests are conducted to observe the levels of different hormones in the body. 

Perimenopause Tests and Treatment 

Perimenopause tests help us understand and assess the symptoms to provide relief. Perimenopause treatment includes careful measures, medications and actions. One must note that unless the perimenopause symptoms are bothering you, there is no need for treatment. However, when your body experiences unusual symptoms that lead to great discomfort, these measures can help.

  • Hormonal therapies: Estrogen and progesterone levels in the body are regulated to ensure adequate release and action. 
  • Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs). 
  • Consuming antidepressants to address mood swings and moments of unexpected sadness and lack of motivation. 
  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: Opting for cognitive behaviour therapy can help you out with dealing with the psychological changes that are occurring in the body. 
  • Some plant-based therapies
  • Administering Gabapentin
  • Clonidine

Some lifestyle changes and modifications can also prove beneficial under advanced circumstances. 

  • Include lots of fruits and vegetables in your diet along with whole grains. 
  • Consume at least 1000 mg to 1,200 mg of calcium every day in the form of supplements. 
  • Exercise every day. 
  • Find out the frequency of hot flashes and what are the triggers for it. Once you know your triggers, whether it is through consumption of tea, coffee or alcohol, you can stay away from them to avoid further complications. 

Key Highlights Of Perimenopause 

These are some of the markers for perimenopause: 

  • Perimenopause onset occurs sometimes in middle age, right before menopause or complete halt of periods and production of eggs by the ovaries. 
  • Although it is a natural process, there are different emotional and physical turmoil that the body faces during this phase. 
  • Taking proper measures and ensuring health checkups with experts can minimize the effects of perimenopause. 
  • Several treatments include administering hormones, lifestyle changes, and consuming antidepressants. 


Among the most common symptoms of perimenopause, some might be difficult to track. Make sure you seek assistance from health experts to assess your condition and arrive at a conclusion.

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