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These Five Ways Can Improve Your Body's Immunity in a Big Way!

Dr. Pankaj Mandale 255 Views
Published: 16 Nov 2024
Updated: 16 Nov 2024
Boosting Your Immune System Naturally

The market has plenty of supplements and formulations for the immune system. Browse for how to increase immunity, and you'll find many pages discussing a range of supplements. However, supporting the health of your immune system is not as easy as it seems. The process is more complex than mixing essential vitamins and minerals or consuming pills or powders.

Our immune system is very delicate and an essential support system of our body. It must be robust and efficient enough to counterattack harmful pathogens like coronavirus. To achieve this, we must care for our body as we are its sole owners.

From the regular flu to the complexity of COVID-19, it can shatter the immune system like anything. And building a strong immune system is not limited to consuming pills or supplements only. So, if you are also searching for how to gain immune system, read the blog until the end. 

Boosting Your Immune System Naturally: Answer Decoded!

We usually meet people asking about how to boost immunity naturally. Here are five science-backed approaches to your question: 

1. Be Up-to-Date with Your Vaccine Regime 

The best shield for our immune system to stay protected from the attacks of harmful pathogens is vaccines. So, all those looking to learn how to build white blood cells naturally should check whether they are up-to-date with their vaccine regime.

Our immune system is brilliant as it recalls its encounter with the pathogens and deals with it accordingly if it reencounters the same pathogen. 

2. Healthy Diet is the Secret!

A balanced diet is the key to a healthy immune system. If you have one, you do not need to worry about your immune functioning. Load your diet with plenty of vitamins to help your immune system. Ensure your diet includes adequate portions of leafy vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins.

In addition to the other constituents and vitamins to help immune system, a few other micronutrients are also required. Some of them are listed below, along with their sources:

  • Vitamin B6 – Salmon, chicken, etc.
  • Vitamin C – All citrus fruits 
  • Zinc – Oysters, poultry, etc. 
  • Magnesium – Nuts, seeds, etc.

3. Hydrate Your Body with Water and Juices 

Hydration is quite essential for flushing out the harmful toxins from our bodies. Toxins built up in the body might interfere with the normal functioning of your immune system. It is also an important component supporting the free flow of immune cells within our body.

Even if we do not work out or sweat, we constantly lose a lot of water through bowel movements or breathing. Hence, supplementing the lost water with adequate intake is crucial to keeping your immune system healthy. 

4. Make Sleep Your Best Friend 

Getting proper sleep is essential for the appropriate functioning of both our brain and immune system. Browse how to improve immunity power; sleep is listed there. Though it is not actively involved in the immune system functioning, it regulates many other functions directly or indirectly linked to our immune system. 

5. Cope Up with Your Stress 

Coping with stress is equally crucial for all of us to have a sound immune system. Chronic stress can hamper our immune functioning. Sleep deprivation can result in a secondary impact on the functioning of our immune system, and so does stress. Deep breathing, yoga, and meditation are the best ways to accommodate our routine and help us with stress management. 


If you follow the above ways to strengthen your immune system diligently, you do not need to Google how to increase immunity with supplements. Many available in the market claim to be the best immunity boosters. However, they may or may not have a scientific backing. It is, therefore, essential to maintain our immune health naturally with lots of water, a balanced diet, and a routine checkup of the vaccine regime.

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