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What are the 4 Steps You Can Take During H3N2 Cough to Cure Yourself?

Dr. Rahul Verma 156 Views
Published: 27 Sep 2024
Updated: 27 Sep 2024

Seasonal flu is caused by multiple influenza strains, and the H3N2 virus falls under the influenza A category. The H3N2 strain is highly infectious and spreads easily among the population if precautions are not taken by people. It is true that vaccinations can offer some protection against H3N2 and help you avoid the worst of the illness, however, you will still get mild symptoms anyway. Let us take an in-depth look at the virus, its symptoms, and how you can deal with these symptoms and find relief.   

What is the H3N2 Virus?

H3N2 virus is a dangerous influenza strain and can lead to serious disease, especially in older people, children, and those with compromised immune systems because of underlying health issues. Similar to other flu strains, H3N2 can cause fever, coughing, body pains, chills, and exhaustion in the infected person, and even mild symptoms can be hard to deal with.  

H3N2 Virus Symptoms

Not every H3N2 infection causes similar symptoms but most people will experience fever and aches when they get infected. Some people may only have a moderate case of the flu with a cough, while others may even get complications like pneumonia or bronchitis, especially if they have compromised immune systems or some other underlying medical disorders. 

You may experience high body temperature and develop a cough that may become intense and dangerous for your health. Pain in the throat, soreness, aches in all the muscles, and sometimes acute joint pain are also very common symptoms of the H3N2 virus. You may also get fatigue, which is a state of being overly weak or exhausted at all times, and it often comes with a lack of energy.

4 Steps to Cure H3N2 Cough 

The influenza virus is difficult to treat and make a vaccine for well in advance of the flu season because every year the virus gets some sort of mutation. However, No matter the type of influenza strain that becomes widespread each year, the symptoms are always the same, and if the condition gets discovered early, antiviral drugs may be prescribed to the patient. But you need to remember that the H3N2 strain of influenza is particularly dangerous because it causes severe illness in the infected person and produces intense cough episodes that can cause breathing issues in you. Take a look at these four tips that can help you manage the cough episodes that come with H3N2 infections.  

  1. Over-the-counter Cough Medications
    Over-the-counter decongestants and antihistamines may provide some relief from H3N2 cough for adults, but they do not lessen the other H3N2 virus effects on you. What's more, the majority of these drugs have some side effects, so you should only take these drugs as prescribed by the manufacturer or your physician and carefully read the label to avoid mistakes before you start using them.

  2. Inhale Steam
    Inhaling steam can provide some relief from H3N2 cough by lessening the intensity and frequency of coughing. First, you have to fill a large bowl with hot water, next, you need to lean over the bowl while covering your head with a towel to trap the steam rising from the hot water. After you have positioned yourself correctly, you must keep inhaling the steam for ten to fifteen minutes and no more than that. If you follow this process at least twice a day, you will definitely see benefits and get some relief from constant coughing caused by the H3N2 virus.

  3. Take Marshmallow Root
    Herbs like marshmallow root have long been used to soothe sore throats, and due to its high mucilage content, the plant relieves irritation caused by H3N2 cough. In 2020, researchers observed the coating effect of marshmallow root extract in an in vitro investigation and they discovered that the root extract had anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities.

    The root also offered pain alleviation comparable to that of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which is another great benefit. An herbal cough syrup that included marshmallow root, thyme, and ivy was proven in research to be an effective treatment for coughs brought on by respiratory tract infections and common colds.

    You may buy marshmallow root as a dried herb, and then you could put the dried marshmallow root into boiling water and drink that water after it cools down. There will be more mucilage in the beverage the longer the marshmallow root is steeped in the water. One potential side effect is an unsettled stomach; however this might be taken care of by keeping your hydration levels high.

  4. Use Honey and Ginger
    Research suggests that honey might help with cough relief and ginger helps soothe sore throat, which are common H3N2 virus symptoms. Researchers examined the effectiveness of using honey to treat coughs associated with upper respiratory infections, and they discovered that honey worked better than standard, over-the-counter medication treatment to reduce coughing and lessen the need for antibiotics. In another study, researchers contrasted honey with the popular cough suppressant dextromethorphan and found that dextromethorphan and honey were equally effective cough suppressants, and in some cases, honey performed somewhat better.

Ginger has anti-inflammatory qualities, and it may help with respiratory disease-related coughs, and could also ease the pain of a sore throat. The impact of ginger on coughs has been examined in research and the researchers discovered that ginger works best when paired with honey. 

It's a traditional practice to add honey and ginger to a cup of tea to relieve sore throats and suppress coughs, and now this treatment is supported by research. Honey and ginger tea outperformed some over-the-counter drugs in lowering the intensity of coughing episodes brought on by upper respiratory tract infections. 

Final Remarks

The influenza virus H3N2 has been responsible for serious flu outbreaks in many countries around the world, and it can cause mild to severe symptoms, including fever, cough, sore throats, body pains, and exhaustion. It may occasionally cause fatalities as well, so you need to be careful about your treatment options if you get this infection. You may sometimes develop other complications, including pneumonia and bronchitis, after getting infected with the H3N2 virus, so be aware of that too. 

Given the possibility of severe disease, it's critical to treat H3N2 seriously and learn the precautions you may take to stop H3N2 virus symptoms. Coughing is a particularly gruesome symptom of the H3N2 virus, and you may follow the steps we mentioned above to get some relief from coughing and sore throat that can make your illness worse.  

If you have a fever, chills, or cough, contact Pathkind Labs to test for respiratory infections!

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