Anti Thrombin III Activity/Functional

Gender for Male, Female

Report Tat
Friday 06:00 PM

Duly filled Coagulation Requisition Form (Form 15) is mandatory. It is recommended that patient discontinues Heparin for 1 day and Oral Anticoagulants for 7 days prior to sampling as these drugs may affect test results. Discontinuation should be with prior consent from the treating Physician.

Sample Type
Collect 3 mL whole blood in 1 Blue Top (3.2 % Sodium Citrate) tube. Mix thoroughly by inversion. Transport to lab within 4 hours. If this is not possible, make platelet poor plasma (PPP) within 1 hour of collection as follows: Centrifuge sample at 3500 rpm for 15 min & transfer supernatant to a clean plastic tube. Centrifuge this supernatant again at 3500 rpm for 15 min & finally transfer the supernatant to a labelled, clean plastic screw capped vial. FREEZE IMMEDIATELY. Ship frozen. DO NOT THAW



timely reporting

of Tests