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Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis

Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Analysis

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A cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis is done to identify conditions affecting your spine or brain. This test can also be used to detect encephalitis, autoimmune disorder, meningitis, and bleeding around the brain. CSF – cerebrospinal fluid – is present in the brain and spinal cord. Cerebrospinal fluid provides a cushioned layer to the nervous system and protects it from injury and sudden impact. It also removes metabolic waste and transports neurotransmitters and neuromodulators. CSF helps maintain the pressure in the spinal canal and skull cavity at constant levels. It also transports hormones from their production site to parts of the brain where they are required. CSF analysis is a set of tests used to determine whether your spine and brain are affected by a particular condition or disease. 

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Test Details

Xanthochromia Cobweb Formation Volume, Fluid Colour, Fluid Appearance, Fluid Neutrophil, Fluid Lymphocyte, Fluid Eosinophil, Fluid Abnormal Cells, Fluid RBC, Fluid Comment, Fluid Glucose, CSF Total Cell Count, CSF Mononuclear Cells Protein, CSF

Frequently asked questions

There are a few risks to cerebrospinal fluid analysis. You may feel a little pressure or pinch when the needle is inserted into your vertebrae. After the test, you experience tenderness or slight pain in your back. You may also get a headache or have some bleeding at the site where the needle was inserted. The headache may last for up to a week or more.

Cerebrospinal fluid analysis can be used to diagnose certain autoimmune disorders like sarcoidosis, multiple sclerosis, and Guillain-Barre syndrome.

Your healthcare provider may order a blood culture, CRP, complete blood count, an ESR, and CMP in addition to CSF analysis.

You may experience severe headaches after a lumbar puncture. Lying flat after the procedure can be the best way to avoid headaches. Other treatment options include drinking water, caffeine, and taking pain medication.

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