Culture semen is performed to detect potential pathogen microorganisms in the semen. These microorganisms may cause male genitourinary tract infection. Culture semen checks for the presence of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms and other bacteria, including ureoplasm (its Ureoplasma) and mycoplasma. This test can also be used to detect Chlamydia. When the semen sample contains WBCs ( Pus cells) , doctors suggest the patient undergo this test. The patient's semen sample must be collected under sterile conditions and processed as soon as possible in the laboratory. Male genitourinary tract infections are difficult to detect as they often remain asymptomatic. Due to this, the infection is passed on to the sexual partner leading to pregnancy and fertilization failure and illness of the offspring. With the increasing issue of antibiotic resistance to pathogens, correct therapy and diagnosis of the patient are important.
What is a culture semen test?
Culture semen is performed to detect potential pathogen microorganisms in the semen. These microorganisms may cause male genitourinary tract infection. Culture semen checks for the presence of aerobic and anaerobic microorganisms and other bacteria, including ureoplasm (its Ureoplasma) and mycoplasma. This test can also be used to detect Chlamydia. When the semen sample contains WBCs ( Pus cells) , doctors suggest the patient undergo this test. The patient's semen sample must be collected under sterile conditions and processed as soon as possible in the laboratory. Male genitourinary tract infections are difficult to detect as they often remain asymptomatic. Due to this, the infection is passed on to the sexual partner leading to pregnancy and fertilization failure and illness of the offspring. With the increasing issue of antibiotic resistance to pathogens, correct therapy and diagnosis of the patient are important.
When the semen culture detects the presence of bacterial semen in the sample, the healthcare professional may follow up with an antibiogram to eradicate the pathogenic microorganism. Many infertility experts and fertility doctors recommend patients take a semen culture when they visit the clinic for an infertility evaluation. This test is quite useful in detecting the main cause of infertility.
What is the purpose of the culture semen test?
The culture semen test can be used to identify any pathogenic substance in the semen. This test is also useful for couples undergoing fertility treatment. It can help identify the microorganism or bacteria that causes an infectious condition in male semen. This test can also check if the person has a sexually transmitted disease. Globally, around 340 million new infections are recorded annually with sexually transmitted pathogens. Among these, the common pathogens include Ureaplasma urealyticum, Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma hominis, and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Escherichia coli is the most common microbe that is transmitted non-sexually to the urogenital tract. These pathogens cause prostatitis and epididymitis and lead to increased concentrations of seminal leukocyte.
The culture semen test can also be helpful in the treatment and diagnosis of male reproductive gland infection. Culture semen is required for patients with urinary tract infection symptoms. This test helps identify the specific microorganism in the semen and guides your doctor to recommend the correct antibiotic for treatment.
What does the culture semen Test Diagnose?
The culture semen test can detect the presence or absence of microorganisms or bacteria in the semen. It can also be ordered to detect Chlamydia, a common sexually transmitted disease that can cause infection in both women and men. If you and your partner are unsuccessful in procreating, the fertility expert may order this test to determine the root cause of infertility. The test results will enable your healthcare provider to provide you with effective treatment and medications to address the issue. This test can also be helpful in detecting bacterial infection. It can also help identify the causative factors behind infertility, seminal discharge, and the presence of blood in the semen.
Why Do You Need a culture semen Test?
You may need a culture semen test if you have the following health conditions:
- If your semen has white blood cells during semen analysis.
- When there is bloody discharge or burning sensation from your genital organ.
- If you're having difficulty getting pregnant
This test may also be ordered if you suffer from clinical symptoms related to your genital area, including:
- Pain during sex
- A severely bent curvature or (of) penis that causes pain
- Ejaculation problems
- Sexually transmitted diseases like genital warts, syphilis, gonorrhoea, Chlamydia, and genital herpes
Preparation and procedure required for the culture semen Test
You'll have to visit your doctor's clinic to deposit the sample of your semen under controlled conditions. Your healthcare provider would instruct you not to masturbate for one week to ten days before depositing the sample, as frequent masturbation can lead to a significant reduction in your sperm count, way below fifteen million sperm per millilitre of your semen.
The culture semen test is a simple procedure wherein you will be handed over a sterile container where you'll collect your semen. You'll be directed to the collection room, wherein you'll find different props to ease the masturbation process. You'll have to collect your semen in a sterile container, which will then be processed and sent for the culture test within less than three hours. While collecting the sample, you should ensure that your fingers or penis do not touch the collecting container's interior area. The culture test will determine whether microorganisms are present in your semen to identify the infection. Depending on the result, your healthcare provider will provide you with an effective treatment.
Understanding the culture semen Test results?
If the semen culture is negative, no pathogenic microorganisms have been found in your semen. If the test results are positive, some pathogenic microorganisms have been found in your semen. In such a case, an antibiogram follows with some antibiotic agents to which the bacteria or microorganism is sensitive. If pathogenic bacteria like ureoplasm and mycoplasma are found to be present in the semen, the antibiogram is not necessary. However, you'll have to consult your physician again to determine the proper duration and dosage of the treatment. If more than three bacterial stains were found in the sample, it means that the sample was not evaluated under sterile conditions, or it got contaminated due to certain external sources.