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Hemoglobin Variant (Hb Electrophoresis)

Hemoglobin Variant (Hb Electrophoresis)

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CBC findings along with clinical details and history of Blood transfusion is mandatory

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What is Hemoglobin Variant (Hb Electrophoresis) Test? 

Hemoglobin (Hb) is a type of protein essential for transporting oxygen to different body parts. It is present inside RBCs (Red Blood Cells) and transports oxygen to different organs in the body. Sometimes, genetic problems can change the structure of hemoglobin present in our bodies. Hemoglobin can be formed incorrectly in the body due to several reasons. Many diseases might hamper the production of hemoglobin in the body. Due to abnormal production of hemoglobin, oxygen might not reach different body parts. As a result, the person may start experiencing critical symptoms. Different types of hemoglobin present in our bodies are detected via a Hemoglobin Variant (Hb Electrophoresis) test. If any abnormal hemoglobin is present in the body, Hemoglobin Variant (Hb Electrophoresis) test will detect it.

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Test Details

REMARKS Haemoglobin (Hb) RBC Count PCV / Hematocrit MCV MCH MCHC RDW (Red Cell Distribution Width) Unknown Unidentified Peak Haemoglobin C Haemoglobin D Haemoglobin S (Sickle) Peak 2 Other Peak (Non Specific) Haemoglobin A Haemoglobin A2 Haemoglobin (E+A2) Haemoglobin F

Frequently asked questions

A Hemoglobin Variant (Hb Electrophoresis) test will identify different hemoglobin types present in the RBCs. Besides identifying, it also reveals the exact amount of different hemoglobin types present in the body.

You are at risk if you have a family history of genetic mutation. If the hemoglobin in your body mutates, oxygen might not be properly transported to different body parts. In such a case, you need to take a Hemoglobin Variant (Hb Electrophoresis) test to understand different hemoglobin types in your body. To understand the type and amount of hemoglobin in the body, you need a Hemoglobin Variant (Hb Electrophoresis) test.

If there are symptoms of genetic mutation in your body, you will need a Hemoglobin Variant (Hb Electrophoresis) test. For example, symptoms of diseases like Jaundice and sickle cells might indicate the requirements for a Hemoglobin Variant (Hb Electrophoresis) test. Some symptoms that indicate the requirement for a Hemoglobin Variant (Hb Electrophoresis) test are as follows:

  • Sickle cells
  • Shortness of breath
  • Genetic hemoglobin disorder
  • Paid in the upper abdomen region
  • Sightlessness
  • Stroke
  • Destruction of body tissues
  • Paleness in the skin
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Jaundice symptoms
  • Developmental issues

The Hemoglobin Variant (Hb Electrophoresis) test result will give you a detailed understanding of different hemoglobin types in the body. The normal hemoglobin levels will be mentioned in the result.

One can get a home sample collection facility for a Hemoglobin Variant (Hb Electrophoresis) test at an extra price.

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