FT4 & TSH 3rd Gen

Gender for Male, Female

Report Tat
3 Hrs same Day

No special preparation

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Test Overview
FT4 & TSH 3rd Gen test is done to diagnose thyroid conditions. The thyroid is a small, butterfly shaped gland at the base of your throat. Your thyroid makes hormones that control your weight, heart, body temperature, muscle strength, and even your mood. In children, thyroid hormones affect growth, too. FT4 test measure thyroxine levels in your blood. Depending on the test results, it can be used to evaluate how your thyroid is functioning. T4 is often tested after the TSH test with another hormone called T3.



timely reporting

of Tests
Test Details
Frequently asked questions
You need an FT4 & TSH 3rd Gen Test to access the functioning of your thyroid gland. This test can also be done to check underactive thyroid in newborns. Your healthcare provider may also order the FT4 test if you’re taking thyroid hormone replacement therapy to monitor your T4 levels. This test can also be done as a follow-up test if you have got an abnormal TSH result. FT4 & TSH 3rd Gen Test is also done to diagnose overactive and underactive thyroid
During the FT4 & TSH 3rd Gen test, the technician will clean the blood draw site with an antiseptic to ensure you don’t get any infection. After that, they will put a band around your arm to ensure that your veins are clearly visible. Once your veins are visible, the technician will insert a needle in your vein and draw a small amount of blood. You may feel slight pain when the needle is inserted, but the pain will resolve on its own. The drawn blood will be sent to the laboratory for further testing and evaluation.
Normal TSH ranges should be between 0.3 to 3.0. The TSH level rises if there is a drop in the thyroid hormone below normal. If the thyroid amount is high in the blood, the TSH gets very low. A low TSH level indicates that too much thyroid hormone is there in your blood, and a high TSH level means that your thyroid gland is underactive and unable to perform properly due to thyroid dysfunction. A third-generation TSH test is vital for the establishment of both conditions
If your T4 levels are high, it could indicate thyrotoxicosis. The conditions that can lead to thyrotoxicosis include subacute thyroiditis, Graves’ disease, toxic adenoma, and Plummer disease. Thyrotoxicosis can be dangerous to your overall health and well-being as it speeds up your metabolism. If you’re exhibiting signs and symptoms of thyrotoxicosis, you must consult your healthcare provider immediately. Certain birth control pills containing estrogen and pregnancy could also lead to elevated T4 levels
If your T4 levels are lower than normal, it may be a sign of hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism can be due to various reasons, such as poor iodine intake, autoimmune diseases, and the use of certain medications. Hypothyroidism can have long lasting consequences – cardiomyopathy, and dyslipidemia. Hypothyroidism is also evident in infants, teens, and children. Treatment with thyroid hormone medicine is usually safe and effective. Once you experience the symptoms of hypothyroidism, it is essential to consult your doctor and start treatment.
There is an inverse relationship between T4 levels and TSH. Normal T4 levels and low TSH levels is usually considered subclinical hyperthyroidism, while high T4 levels and low TSH levels typically indicate hyperthyroidism. Having low T4 and TSH levels may indicate you have a problem with your pituitary gland